Horizon has promised to maintain its provider networks for the small group and individual policy holders, continue serving policyholders in all 21 counties and expand the availability of its Medicare Advantage plans. In exchange for the state allowing Horizon to reorganize, the company has committed to paying the state $1.25 billion over 25 years to soften the blow of losing other tax revenue the Newark-based company has provided. Gov. Phil Murphy signed a law in December 2020 that established a path for Horizon to change its governing structure and allow the $13 billion not-for profit to act more like its for-profit competitors. Products and services are provided by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Horizon Insurance Company, Horizon Healthcare of New Jersey, Braven Health, and/or Horizon Healthcare Dental, Inc., each an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

Horizon was created as a not-for-profit health services corporation that at one time was considered the insurer of last resort for people with no other means to receive coverage. One-third of Horizon’s customers are on Medicaid, the state and federally funded insurance program for low-income and disabled people. Horizon BCBSNJ, the largest health insurer in the state, has 3.6 million policyholders. Horizon BCBSNJ is leading the transformation of health care in New Jersey by working with doctors and hospitals to deliver innovative, patient-centered programs that reward the quality, not quantity, of care patients receive. The corporate change means Horizon will immediately gain access to $300 million to form for-profit subsidiaries and pursue options such as investing in technology and buying physicians practices. You can shop for a plan and get a quote for yourself or a. Medicare If youre over 65, our Medicare plans offer benefits to help you stay healthy. We have a variety of plans to help you make your health a top-priority. Individual & Family Shop for a plan for yourself, your spouse or your family. Horizon BCBS of NJ plans differ in terms of. Products and services are provided by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, Horizon Insurance Company, Horizon Healthcare of New Jersey, and/or Horizon Healthcare Dental, Inc., each an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. The Horizon Blue app offers easy access to your insurance information, including benefits, coverage details and status of your. Shop Health Insurance Plans in North Carolina. Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey (Horizon BCBSNJ), the not-for-profit health insurance carrier that covers nearly one-third of all New Jersey residents, just received the state’s permission to broaden its business portfolio and reduce its tax burden, operating more like its for-profit competitors. This means that your Horizon BCBSNJ plan will pay portion of the cost of your addiction treatment, including rehab. Our Plans Horizon NJ TotalCare (HMO D-SNP) If you qualify for both Medicaid and Medicare, Horizon NJ TotalCare (HMO D-SNP) is the plan that is right for you.